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Ellen Degeneres discusses her experiences with different Meditation techniques, until she learned the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. (presentation on David Lynch Foundation benefit gala)

True meditation is easy

When people think about meditation today, they think about controlling the mind, usually through some force of concentration. This requires a lot of disciplined practise, is not enjoyable to do and has proven to be largely ineffective.

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The Transcendental Meditation technique uses the innate desire of the mind to come to that state of complete inner silence. For the mind this state is like coming home, and it instinctively knows how to go there, if we only allow it. When the right technique is used, anyone can meditate, it is easy and enjoyable to do, and is extremely effective.

Over 6 million TM practicioners and 600 TM researches performed over the past 40 years have confirmed that it is only when the mind “transcends” the finest stages of thought and experiences that true inner silence, that the true benefits will come.

Below we’ll explain in more detail just how simply experiencing complete inner silence has profound benefits on:

1. Our health (activating a strong inner healing power)
2. Our happiness (spontaneous growth of happiness hormones)
3. Our mental potential (growth of our full brain potential)

Trascendere – Riposo profondo

Quando la mente trascende il più sottile impulso del pensiero, entra in uno stato di completo silenzio interiore. Ciò avviene in modo completamente naturale e privo di sforzo. Non possiamo cercare di rendere silenziosa la mente, non dobbiamo. Con la giusta tecnica la mente lo fa da sola. Quando la mente trascende, il corpo entra spontaneamente in un profondo stato di rilassamento, persino molto più profondo del sonno.


Questo può essere oggettivamente misurato monitorando il consumo di ossigeno. [1], [2] Questo grafico, ottenuto da una ricerca scientifica condotta presso la Harvard Medical School, mostra che durante la pratica della Meditazione Trascendentale, il corpo entra in uno stato di riposo che è persino due volte più profondo del sonno più profondo. Più di 30 studi in tutto il mondo hanno convalidato il profondo riposo che si ottiene durante la pratica della Meditazione Trascendentale.

Questo profondo riposo attiva il potere interno di guarigione del nostro corpo.
Rilassamento significa eliminazione delle tensioni. Il corpo ha un modo completamente naturale per rimuovere tutte le tensioni che accumula. E questo è quello che facciamo durante il sonno, ma il riposo del sonno non è abbastanza profondo per rimuovere gli stress traumatici profondamente radicati. Trascendere farà esattamente questo.

cnn storyI risultati sono più evidenti in coloro che ne hanno più bisogno. Una recente ricerca condotta sui veterani di guerra dell’Iraq ha mostrato una riduzione del 50% del PTSD e della depressione dopo sole 8 settimane di pratica della Meditazione Trascendentale. [3] I risultati sono stati così spettacolari che la CNN li ha presentati  in occasione dell’US Veteran’s Day. (Vedere il video della CNN.)

Questa non è che l’ennesima conferma di precedenti ricerche scientifiche condotte sui veterani di guerra del Vietnam circa 25 anni fa.


In questa ricerca il gruppo che praticava la Meditazione Trascendentale ha mostrato evidenti miglioramenti dei casi di PTSD, ansia, depressione, insonnia, ecc., tanto che, dopo soli tre mesi di pratica, il 70% dei veterani di guerra non ha più richiesto alcun ulteriore trattamento. Il gruppo di controllo che è stato sottoposto a psicoterapia non ha mostrato alcun miglioramento. [4]

La portata dei problemi di queste persone va ben oltre a quella dei nostri. Se la Meditazione Trascendentale può aiutarli, anche quando nient’altro sembra funzionare, possiamo immaginare che possa aiutare chiunque.

Il video qui in basso mostra diversi altri esempi dell’efficacia della Meditazione Trascendentale per coloro che sono affetti da stress traumatico. Risulta quindi evidente la ragione per cui un numero sempre maggiore di scienziati, educatori, celebrità e istituzioni governative stanno sostenendo la Meditazione Trascendentale.

In search of happiness

The ancient texts described the experience of transcending as a state of deep inner happiness. This is why the mind will transcend spontaneously, if only it gets the chance, because it is looking for this happiness.

Today, though modern science, we can measure this state objectively, by measuring concentrations of “serotonin”, our happiness hormone. Under stress serotonin production in the brain will decrease. During TM practice, it will spontaneously increase. [5]

Screen Shot 2014-04-17 at 13.05.17Medical research has shown that too low serotonin concentrations are related to a number of problems, like depressions, addictions, migraines, insomnia, Alzheimers, anger, eating disorders etc. Artificially manipulating serotonin concentrations, through medicines, is not always effective, and has many negative side-effects. Through the experience of transcending, it will increase spontaneously, without any negative side effects.

Transcending = Activating our own inner healing power

When stress can accumulate throughout life, it will eventually disturb the natural functioning of our nervous system, resulting in all kinds of psychological or physical health problems. It is estimated that 80 to 90% of all diseases are directly or indirectly related to stress.

Transcending allows the body to remove even our deepest stresses, and thereby remove the cause of most health problems. We are far more powerful to heal ourselves that we believe.

A large scale study that looked at the health statistics of 2000 TM practicioners over 5 years showed a 50 to 70% reduction in hospitalizations. The older population showed the strongest decreases. A more detailed investigation showed 87% decrease in heart disease, and 60% decrease in cancer.  [6]

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Hundreds of studies, including more than $25 Milion on TM research in cooperation with the National Institutes of Health, the biggest health research institute in the world, have confirmed the effects of transcending on our health [6]


As a result of all this research the American Heart association published an advice to doctors last year that TM can be prescribed as a treatment for high blood pressure, and to prevent heart disease. No other meditation technique was advised, because no other technique could produce the same consistent benefits as TM. [7]

The solution to our health care crisis?

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40 years of TM research, 350 scientific publications and 5000 pages of research documents confirming only positive effects: According to all scientific standards transcending is the most effective method of prevention that has ever been researched.

Then why is the cost of learning TM still not reimbursed by our health insurers? Ignorance of our politicians or lobby from an industry that has a lot of money to loose when people would learn how they could heal themselves?

Transcending = Full brain developement,

The unfair advantage


More than 100.000 of the most creative children on the world participate in the Global Destination Imagination creative problem solving competition. How is it possible then, that children from a small school in Midwest USA have won the global finals 4 times in the last 10 years.

Because these children have an unfair advantage. From a young age they learned to transcend, and that seems to have a remarkable effect on their full brain development.

Also from TM research with adults transcending has been found to create significant improvements in creativity, intelligence, memory, concentration and many other things. Research showed that even when people only learn TM when they are 80 years old, there are still significant benefits to health and wellbeing. (for more info see Full brain development)

Come posso imparare a trascendere?

La vera meditazione è facile e piacevole da praticare, chiunque può apprenderla e dà risultati immediati.


L’esperienza della trascendenza può essere raggiunta solo in un modo completamente naturale e senza sforzo. Si tratta di un’esperienza di completo silenzio interiore, che non si può raggiungere cercando di stare calmi. Quanto più si cerca, tanto più si mantiene la mente in attività. Questo è il motivo per cui i più attuali sistemi di meditazione, che richiedono concentrazione, hanno poco effetto.

La tecnica della Meditazione Trascendentale viene insegnata individualmente da un insegnante professionalmente qualificato che è in grado di guidare chiunque in modo del tutto naturale all’esperienza della trascendenza.

Se si ha quest’esperienza una volta, la mente la ricorda e può quindi tornarvi spontaneamente, in modo del tutto naturale e senza sforzo, a condizione che si usi la tecnica corretta. Questa tecnica viene insegnata passo dopo passo, nel corso di quattro incontri consecutivi. Questo corso di formazione iniziale è seguito da un ampio programma di incontri di follow-up per garantire che la pratica venga continuata in modo corretto

Hai 1 ora per scoprire come tutto possa cambiare?

Esplorando questi link, si possono trovare maggiori informazioni su che cos’è la Meditazione Trascendentale and come si impara.  Il primo passo, però, è semplicemente quello di partecipare a una conferenza introduttiva che è gratuita e senza impegno. Queste conferenze vengono organizzate in varie località italiane su base regolare (vedere date e località per le conferenze introduttive gratuite.) Durante queste conferenze, si scoprirà più nel dettaglio come funziona effettivamente la tecnica della Meditazione Trascendentale e che cosa ci si può aspettare da essa.  Riceverai ulteriori informazioni e le tue domande troveranno una risposta affinché tu possa decidere se vuoi imparare la tecnica.

[1] Science 27 Vol. 167 no. 3926 pp. 1751-1754 1970
[2] Scientific American 226:84-90 1972
[3]Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212–215
[4]Military Medicine, june 2011
[5] Psychosomatic Medicine 49: 493–507, 1987
[7]  p 6 on American Heart Association publicatie
[8] BUJATTI, M., and RIEDERER, P. Serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine metabolites in Transcendental Meditation technique. Journal of Neural Transmission 39: 257–267,1976.

Jämförelse av olika meditationsformer

Hjärnforskare Fred Travis, Ph.D., förklarar att meditationer kan delas in i tre kategorier: fokuserad uppmärksamhet, öppen övervakning (open monitoring) och automatisk själv-transcendering. “Olika meditationsformer har olika förfaranden och olika EEG mönster, de livar upp olika områden i hjärnan – och har därför har olika fördelar.” Dr. Travis jämför här effekterna av bl.a. Mindfullness, Zen, Qigong, Vipassana och Zazen, Saharaj, Kriya Yoga med Transcendental Meditation.

Government Test

Government research: 95% feels TM is easy, effective, valuable

Over the past 8 years the department of Education in San Francisco has done 17 TM studies in 4 schools, showing the powerful effects of the combination of reduced stress and more complete brain development as a result of TM practice.

Text for the image
95% of 700 participating students/teachers felt TM was:
easy to practise
effective to reduce stress and improve clarity of mind

These results are confirmed by a pan-european survey of 500 TM practitioners, where 97% felt that TM was a good investment.

By now 450 schools in 60 countries are using the Transcendental Meditation program as part of their school curriculum.

Do you have 90 min to discover how everything can change?

“I have tried meditations but I could not do it. I concluded that I’m apparently incapable of meditating… when I learned TM it was the easiest thing I’ve ever done… I got my entire family to learn.”
Cameron Diaz

The first step to learning TM is simply to attend a free info seminar where you can:

  1. meet your local teacher,
  2. hear in more detail how the TM technique actually works and what you can expect from it,
  3. ask any questions.

This free info seminar is without obligation to take the further course.

Fyra sätt som stress skadar våra hjärnor på

…Och fyra sätt att reparera skadan med hjälp av transcendering.

Har du någonsin funderat över att du inte mår särskilt bra när du är stressad, att du har svårt att tänka klart och tenderar att agera mer känslomässigt och impulsivt?

Är det så? Bra, då har du en normal hjärna.

Det är så stress påverkar dig.

1. Prefrontala cortex stängs av och amygdala överstimuleras.

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Forskare har upptäckt att hjärnan är uppdelad i två tydliga delar, en främre och en bakre del. I den bakre delen återfinns alla primitiva handlingar i form av sinnesförnimmelser, muskelaktivitet osv. Bakhjärnan liknar djurens. Prefrontala cortex är däremot vår unika mänskliga ”tänkande hjärna”. Vi tänker och planerar innan vi handlar och kan fritt välja att agera eller inte på våra impulser. Djuren har inte denna valmöjlighet och därför kommer du aldrig att få se en ko packa sin resväska och åka på semester.

I stressiga situationer stängs prefrontala cortex av och vi kommer att se att den gör så av en god anledning.

Screen Shot 2015-05-01 at 2.06.56 PMHär ser vi informationsflödet i hjärnan under normala förhållanden. Informationen går från våra ögon till syncentrum. Därefter skickas informationen till prefrontala cortex som utvärderar den och beslutar vilken reaktionen ska bli. Beslutet skickas sedan till motoriska cortex som styr våra muskler.



Screen Shot 2015-05-01 at 2.10.47 PMUnder stress bryts detta normala flöde. Prefrontala cortex kringgås och informationen går direkt från sinnesorganen till motoriska cortex i den impulsiva hjärnan.

Det finns en logisk orsak till detta. När vi går över en gata och ser en bil närma sig så tänker vi inte över och analyserar situationen. Vår impuls är i stället att hoppa undan. Om vi först skulle vara tvungna att tänka igenom situationen så skulle det vara för sent.

Att prefrontala cortex stängs av under stress är för vår överlevnads skull. Vi slutar tänka och handlar helt impulsivt. Detta kallas för att reagera genom att fäkta eller fly. Blodflödet flyttar från det främre området till amygdala, vår hjärnas stresscenter. Hjärtfrekvens och blodtryck ökar och en mängd stresshormoner pumpas in i kroppen så att vi snabbt kan reagera på faran som uppstått, genom att antingen kämpa emot eller springa därifrån.

Problemet är att denna mekanism inte är gjord för de kroniska stressituationer som de flesta av oss numera upplever alltför ofta. När vi har suttit en timme i trafikstockning och redan är försenade till ett viktigt möte så finns det varken behov av att fäkta eller fly, men ändå aktiveras våra stressreaktioner.

Ju mer hjärnan upplever sådan kronisk stress, desto mer konditioneras prefrontala cortex att stänga av varaktigt, vilket i själva verket skadar hjärnan.

Vi kan tydligt se detta vid avbildning av hjärnan med modern teknik, t.ex. med SPECT-skanning av hjärnan där blodflödet i hjärnan mäts. Bilden är skrämmande.

Hugh Jackman: Meditationen har förändrat mitt liv

Hugh Jackman“Ingenting har någonsin öppnat mina ögon som Transcendental Meditation har. TM gör mig lugn och positiv, och ja, det ger mig lite lugn och ro i vad som är ett ganska kaotiskt liv!”

“Under meditationen, kan jag släppa allt. Jag är då inte Hugh Jackman. Jag är inte en pappa. Jag är inte en make. Jag bara doppar mig i den kraftfulla källa som skapar allting. Jag tar ett litet bad i den.”

Lykke Li – “Jag har blivit mer mig själv”

Lykke LiSvenska sångerskan och låtskrivaren Lykke Li:
“Jag har provat miljontals vägar för att utvecklas, eller fly,  allt från psykedeliska medel till sierskor, från yoga till “benders”, shamaner, healers, terapeuter, älskare – ja allt. När jag träffade David Lynch för första gången talade jag med honom om alla mina problem, och då berättade han för mig om Transcendental Meditation.”

“TM har förändrat mitt liv på så många sätt. Jag är i djup samklang med mitt hjärta och mitt inre, och det har gjort mig till en bättre författare och artist och framförallt till en bättre kvinna.  Det har resulterat i att jag fått kontakt med mina djupaste känslor och att jag ser allt kristallklart. Jag har blivit mer mig själv.”

Källa: Lykke Li interview with Carrie Battan, Pitchfork.com

Mor till krigsveteran i Irak berättar hur TM räddade livet på hennes son

Klicka på CC och välj Svenska för att se svensk textning

David Lynch landing pages


Östersund sön, 5. maj 2024 16:00 och mån, 6. maj 2024 19:00

Välj en annan plats

Begränsat antal platser

Erfarenheten från över sex miljoner utövare av TM runt hela världen, liksom 350 forskningsstudier under mer än 40 år, visar att TM är den mest framgångsrika metod som någonsin har undersökts för att minska stress, med betydande gynnsam inverkan på depression, ångest, sömnproblem, ADHD, högt blodtryck, kolesterol, diabetes, fibromyalgi m.m. TM-utövning har dessutom visat sig klart förbättra självförtroendet och den kreativa förmågan.

Transcendens = mycket mer än bara avslappning

girl meditating

Meditation blir mer och mer populärt när det gäller att hantera stress. Transcendering ger dock en mer djupgående effekt än bara avslappning. I de gamla texterna, från världens äldsta kunskapstradition, beskrivs transcendering som den högsta erfarenheten människan kan ha – grundläggande för all mänsklig utveckling. Tyvärr gick kunskapen om hur man enkelt transcenderar förlorad. Den återupptäcktes nyligen och har sedan dess spridits runt om i världen. Idag kan vi genom modern vetenskap bekräfta vad de gamla texterna säger. Vi kan mäta vad som händer i kroppen, framförallt i hjärnan, när vi utövar Transcendental Meditation (TM). Vi kan se:

1. Djup vila: mycket djupare än vanlig avslappning – i vissa avseenden djupare än under sömn. 2. Glädje: mätbar genom ökning av glädjehormoner.

Transcendens = Djup vila

När vi transcenderar, går bortom den finaste tankeimpulsen, når vi ett tillstånd av inre stillhet. Detta sker naturligt och ansträngningslöst. Vi kan inte försöka stilla vårt sinne – och vi behöver inte. Med rätt metod kommer uppmärksamheten automatiskt att gå dit. När vi transcenderar slappnar hela kroppen av, mycket djupt, och vi får en vila som i vissa avseenden är djupare än under sömn.

Exceptionellt djup vila med TM

Man kan objektivt undersöka det här genom att mäta syreförbrukningen. Drygt 30 studier, från universitet runt om i världen, bekräftar att vi når en mycket djup vila under TM.

Den här djupa vilan aktiverar kroppens självläkande förmåga. Kroppen har en naturlig tendens att göra sig av med spänningar som den har lagrat. Det händer när vi sover, men vilan vi får under sömnen är inte tillräckligt djup för att lösa upp djupt rotade spänningar och trauman. Transcendering ger en djup vila som gör det möjligt för djupt rotade spänningar orsakade av stress att lösas upp.

cnn storyIbland är resultaten som mest dramatiska hos dem som behöver dem allra bäst. En ny studie på Amerikanska soldater som stred i Irak, visar att deras PTSD (posttraumatiskt stressyndrom) och depression minskade med 50% efter att ha utövar TM i 8 veckor.Ref.Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212–215 Resultaten imponerade och CNN gjorde ett TV-inslag som sändes på US Veteran’s Day.

Undersökningen bekräftar forskningen som gjordes på Vietnam-veteraner för 25 år sedan.

PTSDI den studien uppvisade TM-gruppen en signifikant reduktion av PTSD, oro, depression och sömnproblem – till den grad att 70% av de före detta soldaterna inte längre behövde någon annan form av behandling. Kontrollgruppen däremot, som fick den vanliga behandlingen med psykoterapi, uppvisade ingen förbättring.Ref.Military Medicine, juni 2011

Dessa människor har problem långt större än våra och om TM kan hjälpa dem – när andra metoder har haft begränsad framgång eller misslyckats – finns goda utsikter att TM kan hjälpa nästan vem som helst.

Transcendera = Mätbar inre lycka

Stress stör den normala hjärnfunktionen och orsakar bl.a. en minskning av ”glädjehormonet” serotonin. Brist på serotonin påverkar inte bara vårt sinnestillstånd, utan kan även vara en grundorsak till migrän, sömnsvårigheter, oro, ilska, Alzheimers, ätstörningar, alkoholberoende och mycket annat. Man kan försöka behandla bristen med antidepressiv medicin, men det dövar bara symptomen och löser inte själva problemet.

Ökat serotonin

Transcendering aktiverar däremot kroppens egen helande förmåga, och hjärnan kan då fungera normalt. Och resultatet? En naturlig ökning av serotonin-produktionen under TM-utövandet och så småningom även bibehållen effekt under resten av dagen.Ref.BUJATTI, M., and RIEDERER, P. Serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine metabolites in Transcendental Meditation technique. Journal of Neural Transmission 39: 257–267,1976. Det här påverkar alla livsområden som nämns på den här sajten.

Hur lär jag mig att transcendera?

Sann meditation är ansträngningslös och behaglig. Alla kan lära sig och den ger omedelbart resultat.

Erfarenheten av transcendering kan bara uppnås på ett naturligt och ansträngningslöst sätt. Det är en erfarenhet av en fullständig inre tystnad; som vi inte kan nå genom att försöka vara stilla. Ju mer vi försöker, desto mer aktiverar vi sinnet. Det är därför de flesta meditationstekniker, som kräver koncentration, endast ger en begränsad effekt.

Transcendental Meditation lärs ut individuellt av envälutbildad lärare, som på ett naturligt sätt ger dig erfarenheten av transcendering.

När man väl har haft den erfarenheten, är det sedan lätt för sinnet att gå tillbaka till det tillståndet. Sinnet kommer ihåg, och kan spontant gå tillbaka, på ett naturligt och ansträngningslöst sätt, genom rätt metod. Den här metoden lärs ut, steg för steg, på lektioner under fyra på varandra följande dagar. Efter den första delen av kursen deltar du i ett uppföljningsprogram för att säkerställa att metoden även fortsättningsvis utförs rätt och riktigt..

Kan du avsätta 1-2 timmar och upptäcka hur allt kan förändras?

Qualities of the Unified Field of Consciousness

(kommer inom kort på svenska)

Here are some of the qualities of the “ocean”, the universal field of consciousness at the source of our thoughts that we directly experience when we transcend. These qualities are more and more enlivened in our daily life with regular practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique.

1. Life, self-awareness, intelligence and creativity  

Logic tells us that no matter how many dead things you put together, they will not create life, but a living creature can however create material things with his creativity and intelligence.

According to current thinking, life is created by various material processes. According to this new position, life lies at the basis of all material processes. Logic tells us that no matter how many dead things you put together, they will not create life, but a living creature can however create material things with his creativity and intelligence, like a sculptor who creates a statue. The field at the base of the creation, which today is described as the Unified Field by physics, is a field of self-consciousness, infinite creativity and intelligence. These qualities are reflected through the human nervous system, so that we have the qualities of self-awareness, creativity and intelligence.

If we contact this source of life through the Transcendental Meditation technique, we become livelier. TM is the most successful method ever researched to improve health, intelligence, creativity and self-awareness because those qualities just grow spontaneously as we are going to experience the source directly. TM practitioners also become significantly younger the longer they practice the technique.

2. Connectedness

A robot can’t feel a connection with his environment. Man does, because we are effectively connected with each other at the source of our consciousness

At the level of the ocean, everything is connected to each other. This is the reality of fields. If one transmits a radio signal at a given point, then this radio signal can be received at each point around it, and even at all points at the same time, because each point is connected to all other points.

We experience that connection with each other when we talk about love. Love is a feeling of connectedness. Generally we experience this connectedness most strongly with people with whom we are effectively connected in daily life: family, friends, relations, but sometimes that sense of connectedness goes much further. Why do we sometimes send money to help people in a natural disaster on the other side of the world? A robot would never do this. We have absolutely no contact with these people, and yet we feel connected to them somehow.

If this quality of connectedness, grows we feel more solidarity and more love in our direct relationships, for others and in our relationship with Nature. This growing sense eventually leads to a sense of oneness with everything and everyone. As these qualities grow, it becomes harder and harder to still hurt fellow human beings (or nature ), because it feels like hurting yourself. It feels as dumb as using a hammer to hit you own fingers. A world of violence, corruption and pollution would simply be virtually impossible if everyone would regularly have this experience.

The great teachers throughout the centuries talked about unconditional love (and also demonstrated this themselves) . Transcendental Meditation fulfills this teaching in a very practical way. Unconditional love comes automatically with a growing sense of belonging and unity.

The experience of this field where everything is interconnected has an effect on the brain that can be measured accurately.

The experience of this level where everything is interconnected has an effect on the brain that can be accurately measured these days by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and electroencephalogram (EEG). The different parts of the brain will function more in unity, they become literally more connected with each other, which has a measurable effect on intelligence. This is why with TM, we can measure a growth in intelligence and creativity that is considered virtually impossible  (see brains).

3 The pure good, happiness

On the everyday level of life, we speak of contradictions. Any quality is defined in relation to its opposite: hot-cold, love-hate, happiness-sadness. As long as the mind functions only at this level, it is carried away by external circumstances. If those circumstances are right, we feel good, if they are not right, we feel bad. At the level of the ocean, the unified field, one speaks of unity. There, all contradictions disappear and only one quality remains. Ancient Vedic texts described this as “pure good”, a purely positive quality. Plato also spoke of “the good”. The pure good is generally a quality used to describe the “divine”.

At this level, there is only the pure good, what we experience as growth, peace and internal happiness

It’s this pure positive quality that makes everything in life grow and evolve. Even though this growth passes through several cycles (rest and activity, life and death, etc.), the final result is always growth. Life and growth go together. This is why it is natural to always want more and better. The mind knows that stagnation and life don’t go together.

We experience this quality of pure positivity as bliss. The mind is always looking for happiness in whatever we do, because this is its true nature. But by always being focused outward, and by trying to find happiness in external circumstances, we cut ourselves off from an infinite reservoir of happiness within us. However, if we give the mind a chance to regularly experience its true nature, then this quality of bliss will grow in daily life as well, until we reach a state where we feel inner happiness, independent of the external circumstances, 24/7. This is a state of true inner freedom. This is the real potential of a life with a human nervous system.

A state where all opposites merge into unity is also a state of perfect inner peace. Conflicts come from opposites. When they disappear, so does every conflict.

You can’t fight the darkness, you can only turn on the light

If everyone would experience this state frequently there is no reason why there should be anything negative in our society. This may sound utopian, but ultimately negative is just a lack of positive, dark only a lack of light. The reason why it may sometimes seem quite dark is because we have forgotten how to turn on the light. We have forgotten how to enliven the positive, how we can go back to the source of all positive. Maharishi always said “you can not fight the darkness, you can only bring the light.”And as we light the light in ourselves, we also enlighten the environment around us, as shown by the research mentioned on this site.

4. Omniscient

Everyone has already experienced that sometimes there’s a level where we know a lot more than our superficial, conscious mind.

At the level of the ocean, the level where everything is interconnected, everything is also known. Whenever we get a gut feeling, or be amazed at the “magic ” gifts of some psychic who seems to know things that no one else knows, we get a glimpse of this reality. Everyone has already experienced this in their own way, but because we can not explain it with the current theory about the mind, it is generally dismissed as quackery.

People that begin to experience this reality regularly as they learn the Transcendental Meditation technique, notice changes that go far beyond just a better intuition. They find that they spontaneously get more and more of the right thoughts at the right time. It’s like a cosmic supercomputer knowing all the consequences of all possible thoughts in advance can calculate and then picks out the most positive in line with its purely evolutionary nature. A TM practitioner does not try to get the right ideas at the right time. They just come spontaneously. The result is more success in life, in all areas.

5. Infinite organizing power

If everything is created from this Unified Field, then this means that this field should have an infinite organizing power. The motion of every atom and every event in nature is organized in a very intelligent way, according to certain laws that we call natural laws. This field can create everything from itself and coordinate everything from that level of consciousness, the level of the mind.

Everyone influences the entire cosmos with every thought he has, but usually that influence is so weak that we do not notice the difference in everyday life.

There are thousands of self-help books that talk about the power of thought, and the importance of positive thinking. We create our own reality, so they say. There are even different high quality scientific studies that show that people can influence physical events with the power of their mind. The effect is there, and it is statistically very significant, but it is very small, not enough to really make a practical difference. Given that most of us only use a very small part of our real mental power, we hardly notice the power of our thoughts in daily life. A thought on the most superficial level of the mind is like trying to throw a rock into a lake from a very great distance. One can only have a very small rock and create tiny waves on the water. But if one would come closer to the lake, than one can throw a much larger stone, creating a much stronger effect. It has been noticed in several research studies that an influence from deeper levels of our (sub) consciousness can be much stronger.

People who learn the Transcendental Meditation technique find that their minds get more support from nature. They wish for something, and suddenly it seems so that all circumstances are cooperating to make that wish come true. In religious terms, one could say that it is just as if the ” will of God ” supports the desire. There is an advanced Transcendental Meditation technique, which has the specific purpose to strengthen the power of thought called the TM Sidhi Programme.

6. Invincibility

Maharishi often used the word invincibility to describe the real potential of human life. As all the qualities of the unified field, or ocean, become more and more present in a person, then less and less can bring this person out of balance. Inner happiness becomes invincible: no external event can influence it any more. Self-consciousness becomes invincible: we remain ourselves and nothing can overshadow us. Creativity becomes invincible: we can always find a perfect, creative solution to any problem. In addition, all circumstances will contribute to bring the solution to fulfillment.

People start the Transcendental Meditation technique for different reasons: for health reasons or because they want to feel better or to have self-confidence. All these things do improve, but they are really just side-benefits of what is really happening. If the qualities of the source of life become more enlivened in the mind, then all aspects of life improve, one becomes more and more invincible. When one talks about higher states of consciousness or enlightenment, this is what is meant, a state of invincibility.

We usually describe a “divine” reality with the words ” love, omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence. These are exactly the qualities one enlivens with TM step by step.

When we talk about a divine reality, then we usually describe it with words such as pure love on one hand and omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence on the other hand. These are indeed the qualities of this field on the basis of our individual consciousness. By going to the source of our thoughts, we start experiencing this field as our true inner nature. We can therefore start to say in a more scientific way that we come into contact with something higher, something divine. It is very difficult to explain the spectacular effects of Transcendental Meditation if one looks at the technique as a relaxation technique, but if we understand what it really is, a way to bring us back in touch with our true inner, divine nature, then it starts to sound more logical that we become smarter, younger, healthier, more confident, more loving and more successful. Then it sounds much more logical that an alcoholic or drug addict no longer needs his fix, or that there are 90% fewer cases of cardio-vascular disease. Then it can even begin to sound logical that something is beginning to fundamentally change in the environment.

For clarity, Transcendental Meditation is not a religion, because there is no question of worshiping a deity. Religions are linked to cultures, and each culture has its own way to worship the higher consciousness. But different cultures also have things in common, and these things are described by science. Gravity works equally for people from different religions. It works equally well whether you believe in it or not. Transcendental Meditation is at this level. It works equally well for people from different religions. It works equally well whether you believe in it or not. It is that aspect of every religion that has been lost over time. This is why thousands of TM practitioners of all religions around the world found that TM has brought them closer to their own religion.

Can we really talk about a scientific reality here?

Transcendens = mycket mer än bara avslappning

Meditation blir mer och mer populärt när det gäller att hantera stress. Transcendering ger dock en mer djupgående effekt än bara avslappning. I de gamla texterna, från världens äldsta kunskapstradition, beskrivs transcendering som den högsta erfarenheten människan kan ha – grundläggande för all mänsklig utveckling. Tyvärr gick kunskapen om hur man enkelt transcenderar förlorad. Den återupptäcktes nyligen och har sedan dess spridits runt om i världen. Idag kan vi genom modern vetenskap bekräfta vad de gamla texterna säger. Vi kan mäta vad som händer i kroppen, framförallt i hjärnan, när vi utövar Transcendental Meditation (TM).

1. Djup vila: mycket djupare än vanlig avslappning – i vissa avseenden djupare än under sömn.

2. Glädje: mätbar genom ökning av glädjehormoner.

3. Helhetsmässig utveckling av hjärnan: samordnad aktivitet mätbar med EEG.

Tillsammans innebär dessa resultat att TM blir effektivt på livets alla områden.

Transcendering = Djup, vaken vila

När vi transcenderar, går bortom den finaste tankeimpulsen, når vi ett tillstånd av inre stillhet. Detta sker naturligt och ansträngningslöst. Vi kan inte försöka stilla vårt sinne – och vi behöver inte. Med rätt metod kommer uppmärksamheten automatiskt att gå dit. När vi transcenderar slappnar hela kroppen av, mycket djupt, och vi får en vila som i vissa avseenden är djupare än under sömn.

Man kan objektivt undersöka det här genom att mäta syreförbrukningen. Under TM når kroppen en vila som i vissa avseenden är dubbelt så djup som under den djupaste vilan under sömn. Och drygt 30 studier, från universitet runt om i världen, bekräftar att vi når en mycket djup vila under TM.

Den här djupa vilan aktiverar kroppens självläkande förmåga
Avslappningen gör att spänningar släpper. Kroppen har en naturlig tendens att göra sig av med spänningar som den har lagrat. Det händer när vi sover, men vilan vi får under sömnen är inte tillräckligt djup för att lösa upp djupt rotade spänningar och trauman. Transcendering ger en djup vila
som gör det möjligt för djupt rotade spänningar orsakade av stress att lösas upp.

Ibland är resultaten som mest dramatiska hos dem som behöver dem allra bäst. En ny studie på Amerikanska soldater som stred i Irak, visar att deras PTSD (posttraumatiskt stressyndrom) och depression minskade med 50% efter att ha utövat TM i 8 veckor. Resultaten imponerade och CNN gjorde ett TV-inslag som sändes på US Veteran’s Day. (CNN video.)

Undersökningen bekräftar forskningen som gjordes på Vietnam-veteraner för 25 år sedan.

PTSD,-ångest, -depression

I den studien uppvisade TM-gruppen en signifikant reduktion av PTSD, oro, depression och sömnproblem – till den grad att 70% av de före detta soldaterna inte längre behövde någon annan form av behandling. Kontrollgruppen däremot, som fick den vanliga behandlingen med psykoterapi, uppvisade ingen förbättring. Ref.
Dessa människor har problem långt större än våra och om TM kan hjälpa dem – när andra metoder har haft begränsad framgång eller misslyckats – finns goda utsikter att TM kan hjälpa nästan vem som helst. I den här videon får du fler exempel på hur effektiv Transcendental Meditation kan vara för den som lider av posttraumatisk stress. Den belyser också varför fler och fler vetenskapsmän, utbildare, celebriteter, samhällsledare och institutioner stödjer TM.

Transcendens = Mätbar inre lycka

Stress stör den normala hjärnfunktionen och orsakar bl.a. en minskning av ”glädjehormonet” serotonin. Brist på serotonin påverkar inte bara vårt sinnestillstånd, utan kan även vara en grundorsak till migrän, sömnsvårigheter, oro, ilska, Alzheimers, ätstörningar, alkoholberoende och mycket annat. Man kan försöka behandla bristen med antidepressiv medicin, men det dövar bara symptomen och löser inte själva problemet.

Ökat serotoninTranscendering aktiverar däremot kroppens egen helande förmåga, och hjärnan kan då fungera normalt. Och resultatet? En naturlig ökning av serotonin-produktionen under TM-utövandet och så småningom även bibehållen effekt under resten av dagen. Ref.

Det här påverkar alla livsområden som nämns på den här sajten.

Transcendering = Mätbar utveckling av hjärnan

Transcendering har inte bara en gynnsam effekt på vår hälsa, självkänsla, vårt välmående och våra relationer, utan även på hjärnans utveckling, t. o. m. hos vuxna, vilkas hjärnor antas vara färdigutvecklade. Hur kan en enkel erfarenhet påverka hjärnan på ett sätt som tidigare ansetts omöjligt? Hur kan det vara möjligt att ADHD försvinner och att IQ och kreativitet ökar hos vuxna? Detta kräver sin förklaring. (Se transcendering = den högsta mänskliga erfarenheten)

Själva effekterna är lätta att mäta – t. ex. samordningen av hjärnvågorna med EEG.

Den elektriska aktiviteten i hjärnan kan registreras med EEG, elektroencefalografi, och resultatet visas som EEG-vågor. Man kan sända registreringar från två olika delar av hjärnan till en dator, som sedan gör en matematisk uträkning och fastställer i vilken grad EEG vågorna rör sig i samklang, vilket kallas koherens. Hög koherens betyder att dessa delar av hjärnan samverkar sinsemellan i hög grad.

Transcendering innebär i huvudsak erfarenheten av enhet. (Mer info: transcendens = högsta mänskliga upplevelsen). Den är mätbar i hjärnan. Här är en video där man i realtid kan se hur koherensen/samordningen ökar till maximum under TM.

Ju oftare någon har hög koherens i sin hjärnaktivitet desto mer vänjer sig hjärnan vid att fungera optimalt. Och den kommer då  uppvisa ökad samordning även utanför TM-utövandet – alltså under det dagliga aktiva livet. Hög koherens i hjärnaktiviteten är associerad med högt IQ, kreativitet, känslomässig stabilitet, bra reflexer och etiskt tänkande. (Mer info: transcending = brain development).

Hur lär jag mig att transcendera?

Riktig meditation är ansträngningslös och behaglig. Alla kan lära sig och den ger omedelbart resultat.


Erfarenheten av transcendering kan bara uppnås på ett naturligt och ansträngningslöst sätt. Det är en erfarenhet av en fullständig inre tystnad; som vi inte kan nå genom att försöka vara stilla. Ju mer vi försöker, desto mer aktiverar vi sinnet. Det är därför de flesta meditationstekniker, som kräver koncentration, endast ger en begränsad effekt.

Transcendental Meditation lärs ut individuellt av en välutbildad lärare, som på ett naturligt sätt ger dig erfarenheten av transcendering.

När man väl har haft den erfarenheten, är det sedan lätt för sinnet att gå tillbaka till det tillståndet. Sinnet kommer ihåg, och kan spontant gå tillbaka, på ett naturligt och ansträngningslöst sätt, genom rätt metod. Den här metoden lärs ut, steg för steg, på lektioner under fyra på varandra följande dagar. Efter den första delen av kursen deltar du i ett uppföljningsprogram för att säkerställa att metoden även fortsättningsvis utförs rätt och riktigt.

Kan du avsätta 1-2 timmar och upptäcka hur allt kan förändras?

På dessa länkar hittar du mer information om vad TM är och hur du kan lära dig.

Första steget är att lyssna på information om TM. De hålls regelbundet på flera orter runt om i landet.

Här hittar du datum och plats för kostnadsfria informationsträffar.

Under träffen får du veta mer i detalj hur TM fungerar och vad du kan förvänta dig att få ut av metoden. Du får också möjlighet att ställa frågor, så att du lättare kan ta ställning till om du vill lära dig TM.

Vetenskapliga referenser
[1] Science 27 Vol. 167 no. 3926 pp. 1751-1754 1970
[2] Scientific American 226:84-90 1972
[3] Journal of Counseling and Development 64: 212–215
[4] Military Medicine, june 2011
[5] BUJATTI, M., and RIEDERER, P. Serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine metabolites in Transcendental Meditation technique. Journal of Neural Transmission 39: 257–267,1976.
[6] Ethnicity & Disease 17: 72–77, 2007.
[7] American Journal of Hypertension 22: 1326–1331, 2009.

Katy Perry to 25 million fans: Support TM

katyKaty Perry, the first artist to beat Michael Jackson’s record of five US number one hits from one album, sent a tweet on her birthday to over 25 million fans asking their support for the David Lynch Foundation.

The David Lynch Foundation aims to make the Transcendental Meditation technique available to those who would benefit from it most. Katy has practiced Transcendental Meditation for over 2 years and says that it’s the best thing she’s ever done to bring more creativity, positive energy and peace into her life.

Katy says: “When I feel tired, tense, scared or depressed, I meditate. It clears my mind, and makes me feel more relaxed and happier. I have shared these experiences with my friends and I recommend it to all of them.

I support the David Lynch Foundation because it brings Transcendental Meditation to the attention of millions of people all over the world. People like war veterans, suffering from post traumatic stress disorders, children from poor suburbs in large cities, and girls and woman who were the victim of violence.

Help me celebrate my birthday by donating money to the DLF. This doesn’t just mean a lot to me personally, but to all the people that you will help with it.”

Exceptional results confirmed by exceptional studies

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the health institute of the American government, and the largest medical research institute in the world, has spent over $24 million USD over the last 20 years in support of research on Transcendental Meditation, for one simple reason: It is the only alternative method that works.

A recent randomised, controlled study among 123 patients with very high blood pressure (179/104 mm Hg for example) found a decrease of 10.7/6.4 mm Hg after only 3 months among TM practitioners. The control group received health education information, but showed no decrease.

H37-BP-Meta-AnalysisAnother large-scale comparative study of the NIH, that compared all alternative methods to each other, demonstrated that Transcendental Meditation was the only method that could trigger a significant decrease in blood pressure (p=.0002). Other meditation or relaxation techniques showed no significant effect (click on the graph to enlarge it).

These studies have led to a publication from the American Heart Association recommending TM, as the only effective meditation technique for clinical treatment of high blood pressure.

An effect on blood pressure…with positive side effects

Medication can lower blood pressure, but often comes with all kinds of unpleasant side effects. In TM practitioners the decrease in blood pressure is in many cases similar to or even greater than that achieved through medication, but in itself even is just a side effect of a much deeper change that occurs when one activates the body’s own healing power. Ultimately everything improves simultaneously when we learn to find ourself: all aspects of health, happiness, our brain development, our self-confidence and our relationships with others.

In this video Dr. Oz, the world’s most famous heart surgeon, known to us through the Dr. Oz show on Vitaya, describes the effects of TM on blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and general heart problems.

Transcending = an exceptional deep state of rest

When the mind comes to a full state of rest in a completely natural manner, the body also comes to a very deep state of rest, much deeper than sleep. Scientists are able to objectively confirm this.

sleepThis graph, from a study at Harvard University, shows that during TM practice almost instantly a state of physical relaxation is reached that is much deeper than even the deepest rest during sleep.

It is this state of deep rest that activates the body’s inner power to heal itself.

We all know that relaxation really is “de-tensing”, a state in which the body naturally relaxes its tensions. The body can eliminate the deepest tensions it may have, even traumatic stress, as long as the state of rest is deep enough. This has an instant effect on blood pressure.

Here is a video that will allow you to discover why more and more scientists, teachers, celebrities and government support the TM technique.

How does Transcendental Meditation work?

Real meditation is effortless and pleasant, can be learned by anyone, and offers instant results.

David-Lynch-Russell-BrandWhen one thinks about “meditation”, one usually thinks of the manipulation of the mind to come to a state of inner peace, through a form of concentration (on a sound, a visual point, breathing, or “being in the now”). However, this goes against the spirit’s nature, requires disciplined practice, and is fundamentally ineffective to bring the mind to silence, because the more one attempts to silence the mind, the more the mind is kept active.

The Transcendental Meditation technique is taught entirely personally by a professionally trained teacher that is able to guide anyone to a state of total silence in a fully natural manner. Once this has been experienced it will be engraved in the memory and the spirit will fully spontaneously return to it, in a fully natural and effortless manner, on the condition that the correct technique is employed. This technique is explained step by step, 4 days in a row, followed by an extensive programme to ensure the correct practice of it.

How TM works: Learn more

How can such a simple technique have such profound effects on all areas of life? Discover what exactly transcending is, and how it can easily be reached in a simple, effortless manner.

Transcending = Being Yourself
Transcending = Deep relaxation
Transcending = Inner peace and happiness
Transcending = In contact with our true selves

Faster growth of creativity among students

E6-Holistic-Improv-Intellectual-PerfIn Taiwan 362 secondary school students were randomly divided into 4 groups, a TM group and 3 control groups. The 3 control groups included: 1) a resting group, 2) a group practicing contemplation meditation, and 3) a group which received no specific attention. After 6 to 12 months the TM group showed a significant improvement in 5 different scales of intellectual capability, including a scale for “whole brain creativity” as compared to the 3 control groups. The difference in growth was so significant and so consistent that the probability of chance was 1 in 1.2 billion p=.0000000008. (what is a p-value?) The TM students also showed a significant decrease in stress symptoms.

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American Heart Association (AHA) informerar läkare om att Transcendental Meditation (TM) sänker blodtrycket

Transcendental Meditation (TM) är den enda alternativa hälsometod som bevisligen sänker blodtrycket. Detta konstaterar American Heart Association, som därför rekommenderar läkare att överväga användning av TM för att förebygga och behandla högt blodtryck.

Syftet med rapporten ”Beyond Medications and Diet — Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association” är att informera läkare om vilka alternativa vägar det finns för att sänka blodtrycket, och vilka som forskningen har visat vara effektiva.

Efter att ha gått igenom metaanalyser och de senaste kliniska studierna på olika typer av meditation, fastslår man i rapporten att Transcendental Meditation (TM) att det finns goda belägg för att TM sänker blodtrycket, medan det inte finns vetenskapliga bevis för att andra meditations- eller avslappningstekniker har denna effekt. Därför finner AHA att man enbart kan rekommendera TM för detta ändamål.

Viktigt genombrott

”Detta är ett viktigt genombrott vad gäller medicinsk praktik, då det är första gången som Transcendental Meditation rekommenderas av en nationell medicinsk organisation som ger riktlinjer till läkare, sjukvårdsinstanser, försäkringsbolag och policyskapare”, säger dr Robert Schneider, chef för ”Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention” som varit huvudansvarig för flera studier på Transcendental Meditation och hjärtkärlsjukdomar. ”Denna typ av riktlinjer har efterfrågats av försäkringsbolagen i åratal” säger dr Schneider.

Författarna till rapporten utvärderade tre kategorier av alternativa metoder: beteendeterapier såsom meditation, icke-invasiva procedurer, samt motionsföreskrifter. Rapporten gjorde ingen genomgång av kostråd eller kosttillskott.

”En vanlig fråga från patienter är: Jag tycker inte om att ta medicin, så vad kan jag göra istället för att sänka mitt blodtryck?” berättar dr Robert Brook, ordförande för expertpanelen som står bakom rapporten. ”Vi ville bidra med en vägledning”, säger han.

Kan förebygga behovet av blodtrycksmedicin

Kliniska studier har visat att lägre blodtryck genom användning av Transcendental Meditation är kopplat till avsevär lägre nivåer av dödlighet, hjärtinfarkt och stroke.

”Vi är mycket nöjda över att vår forskning, som visat att TM:s effektivt sänker blodtrycket, nu erkänns, och vi hoppas att denna samsyn resulterar i bredare klinisk användning”, sade C. Noel Bairey Merz, professor i medicin vid Cedars Sinai Medical Center, och forskningsledare för en klinisk studie på Transcendental Meditation och hjärt-kärlhälsa.

Rapporten noterade också att Transcendental Meditation allmänt betraktas som säker och utan skadliga biverkningar.

Kommentarer av svenska läkare


”Det är erkänt svårt att behandla patienter till målblodtryck med bibehållen och förbättrad livskvalitet. Att kunna behandla med alternativa terapier som Transcendental Meditation som komplement är ett välkommet tillägg i allmänläkarens terapiarsenal, speciellt som denna teknik har en väldokumenterad bred stressreducerande effekt.”

– Thomas Nordlund leg läk, specialist i allmänmedicin

Det finns ett starkt samband mellan stress och högt blodtryck. AHA:s slutsats torde därför kunna vidgas till att TM verksamt kan minska stressnivån. Detta står i överensstämelsse med flera vetenskapliga rapporter som direkt påvisat en sådan effekt till och med vid grava svårbehandlade kroniska stresssjukdomar som Post traumatiskt stresstillstånd.”
– Jaan Suurküla, leg läk, specialist i invärtesmedicin (geriatrik), grundare av Läkare för Transcendental Meditation (LTM)

Kontaktperson för intervjuer och mer information:

Thomas Nordlund, leg läk specialist i allmänmedicin
Tel 070-6530620,  Vx 040-434801
E-postadress: tho.no@telia.com

Länk till hela rapporten från AHA


Seinfeld, komedi-ikoner stöder TM för krigsveteraner och ungdomar i riskzonen

En rad kända komiker hedrade den legendariske talang-managern och producenten George Shapiro med David Lynch-stiftelsens första årliga “Lifetime of Bliss Award” under stiftelsens “Night of Comedy”, som hölls i Los Angeles lördagen, den 30 juni. Galan samlade in pengar för David Lynch-stiftelsens insatser för att sponsra instruktion i Transcendental Meditation till krigsveteraner med post-traumatisk stress, ungdomar i riskzonen, och misshandlade kvinnor och flickor.

Vid hyllningsevenemanget för Shapiro, 80, en älskad figur i nöjesbranschen som utövat TM sedan 30 år, gjorde  Russell Brand, Sarah Silverman och Garry Shandling stand-up framträdanden. Därtill gjorde  Jerry Seinfeld ett överraskande, icke annonserat framträdande (George har varit Seinfelds manager i över 30 år).

Klicka här för att se bilder från evenemanget!

Klicka på videolänken nedan för att se en 2 minuters intervju med Jay Leno (gammal god vän med Shapiro) och Jerry Seinfeld på David Lynch stiftelsens  “Night of Comedy”.

Evenemanget skapade ett stort intresse för David Lynch stiftelsen från pressen och artiklar publicerades i bl.a Variety och Los Angeles Times.

Variety skrev:

“Shapiro har länge undvikit karriär-firande utmärkelser, så det faktum att han accepterade Lynchs hyllingsfest, inspirerade fyra generationer av komedi-talanger att delta, med en rad gäster inklusive Michael Cera och Carl Reiner , plus gamla William Morris kollegor”

Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, George Shapiro, Russell Brand och David Lynch

David Lynch-stiftelsen bildades år 2005 för att finansiera instruktion i Transcendental Meditation för folk som lider av extrem stress. Stiftelsen stöder även vetenskaplig forskning för att utvärdera effekterna av TM-programmet avseende studieresultat, ADHD och andra inlärningssvårigheter, ångest, depression, missbruk, hjärt-och kärlsjukdomar, post-traumatisk stress och diabetes.

List of competitions won by Maharishi School of Age of Enlightenment

The State of Iowa has the highest average education level in the whole of the U.S. Winning a State Competition against 391 other high school is therefore anything but easy. Nevertheless the Maharishi School has won more than 120 of such competitions over the last 15 years, as well as some national and even global competitions.

Creativity: 56x state championships won in “creative problem solving” competitions, such as Destination ImagiNation and Odyssey of the Mind. (record in Iowa)

World record: 4x Destination ImagiNation wereldfinales won, and more listings in the top 10 than any other school in the world.

Mathematics: 4 years in a row first place in the American High School Math Exam, Iowa

History: 5x Iowa State History Fair, Senior Division won

Science: 10x senior division of the Eastern Iowa or Hawkeye state science fairs won

8x grand champion awards in junior division of the Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair

Electronics: 1x Tech Challenge Iowa in robotics won.

Spelling : 2x Iowa state spelling bee won

Performance and theater: 15x Critic’s Choice State Banner Awards for speech. (record in Iowa)

National Champion: Bravo Cable Channel High School Theater Competition

Arts: 3x in a row National Congressional Art Competition, “An Artistic Discovery,” won (record in Iowa)

Poetry: 1x Iowa Poetry Association’s high school contest won

Writing: 1x Iowa “Young Writer of the Year” award

Chess:1x Iowa Junior Chess Championship

Photography:1x Iowa Educational Media Association won

International champion: Photo Imaging Education

Association competition


Tennis: 16x boys state tennis championships won

1x girls state singles tennis won

Tennis Triple Crown (boys, girls, double) 2 years in a row won (record in Iowa)

Sprint:  800 meter sprinting time boys, record time in Iowa.

Golf: 2x state championship won (team and individual)


Raquel Zimmermann: Transcendental Meditation på modevärldens topp

Raquel_Zimmermann_0036-200x300Den tysk-brasilianska toppmodellen Raquel Zimmermann har tillhört modevärldens topp under flera år. I denna videoinspelning pratar hon helt otvunget, utan makeup, om vad Transcendental Meditation har givit henne, om inre skönhet, om mer ordnat tänkande, om att sluta röka och att njuta mer av livet.

U.S. School director of the year: “TM in schools is the best program I’ve come across in 40 years”

james-dierke(kommer inom kort på svenska) At a recent charity gala organised by the David Lynch Foundation in Los Angeles, Carlos Garcia, the boss of 20.000 employees in the educational system in San Francisco, made a passionate argument for the introduction of Transcendental Meditation in all schools across the U.S. Although many counter arguments were thrown at him when he first introduced TM as an experiment in schools in San Francisco, the results were so impressive that the experiment has now been extended to 4 schools and 2000 students, with another 16 schools on the wait list. In his 30 year career he had never before seen such results. Globally over 700 school have introduced TM as a standard part of the curriculum.

Jim Durke, school director of the first school in San Francisco to take part in the experiment in 2007, also gave a speech. In 2008 he received the title of “school director of the year” from President Bush, due to the enormously positive transformation in his school. In this video you will first see Mr. Durke, and then Mr. Garcia speak.

Here’s another video with testimonies from children who participated in the Quiet Time (TM in education) program

Study 24: Higher quality of life in the U.S. (1960-1983)

In 1973 the Transcendental Meditation organisation founded its own university, which purchased a university campus in 1975 from another private education institute in the village of Fairfield in the state of Iowa in the U.S. A community of Yogic Flyers developed around the university, people from all over the U.S. moved to this small village to together practice their TM, TM sidhi programme and Yogic Flying. From early 1980 onwards the group was so large that the influence, combined with the millions of individual TM practitioners, was big enough to reach everyone in the U.S. (1520 Yogic Flyers according to the square root of the 1% formula).

In order to test this, the researchers compiled an index of the Quality of Life comprising several variables that would normally be uncorrelated, and considered whether the TM and Yogic Flying practice had a noticeable influence on the index. The following 12 social variables were incorporated into the index:

  1. Number of crimes
  2. Number of civil court cases
  3. Number of infectious diseases
  4. Number of child deaths
  5. Number of suicides
  6. Number of cigarettes per capita
  7. Alcohol consumption per capita
  8. Gross National Product per capita
  9. Number of patent applications
  10. Number of diplomas issued per capita
  11. Number of divorces
  12. Number of fatal traffic accidents
These numbers each indicate an aspect of the quality of life, security, health, economy, creativity, harmony between people, etc.
It was also predicted that all these 12 factors would be positively influenced by the Maharishi effect, as they all had the same source, the human thought process, which source would also be influenced.
When the index was calculated and plotted out over 23 years, from 1960 to 1983, it looked as follows.
A clear decreasing trend was noticeable until 1975, which then turned back to an increasing one.
Subsequently the researchers calculated a Maharishi-effect index, based on the number of TM practitioners in all of the U.S., creating the effect through the 1% effect, and the group of Yogic Flyers in Fairfield creating the exponential effect. This index, plotted over the quality of life index, looked as follows:

The reversal in the quality of life index appears to coincide with a large increase in the number of TM practitioners in the U.S. But the correlation between the number of Yogic Flyers in Fairfield, responsible for the strong increase in the Maharishi effect index from 1980, and the quality of life index, appeared to be much stronger (p<.0001). From a casual statistic analysis of the numbers, they were able to say with a large degree of certainty that the increase of the Maharishi-effect index was the cause of the increase in the Quality of Life index (p<.0001). According to statistical calculations, increases in the Quality of Life index from 1981 to 1983 could be ascribed to the Maharishi-effect.

When we look at the twelve variables, we get a much better idea of what this significant increase in the quality of life index means. From the 12 variables, 11 showed a significant improvement (only the number of suicides did not improve), and in 7 records were broken.

Crime: From 1981 to 1983 the number of crimes decreased in three consecutive years, something that had never happened before (-0.78% in ’81, -4.3% in ’82, and -7.6% in ’83). This meant 1.300.000 fewer crimes in 1982 and 1983, principally created by the 1600 Yogic Flyers.

Civil court cases: Due to a degree of harmony in the collective conscious, civil suits were only filed when all other amicable methods to solve conflicts have failed. The number decreased by 7.6 % in 1982 and another 11.5 % in ’83, reaching the lowest number ever reported.

Infectious diseases: Decreased by 4.23% in ’82 and by 7.02 % in ‘83 (strongest decrease in 16 years)

Cigarette usage : Decreased by 1.90 % in ’82 and 6.26 % in ’83 (biggest decrease in the 23 years of the study.)

Alcohol usage: Decreased by 3.52 % in ’82 and 2.64 % in ‘83. (second and third largest decreases in 23 years)

Number of diplomas issued: increased slightly (0.31% and 0.98%) after decrease in the previous five years

Divorces: Decreased by 4.46 % in 1982 (a decrease 3 times bigger than the previous record set 21 years earlier) and another 0.18 % in 1983 (the only time that the number of divorces decreased two years in a row)

Fatal accidents: Decreased 10.95 % in 1982 (biggest decrease ever, apart from 1975, when the 55 mph speed limit was introduced in the U.S.). The prominent magazine Motor Trend wrote at the end of 1982:

Everyone loves a mistery, and the sudden 10% drop in 1982 highway fatalities has created a good one. Various sources postulate reasons for the decline…but the fact is, nobody knows why”

The magazine and other car organisations predicted an increase for the subsequent year, but another decrease in the number of car accidents of 4.60% was reported in 1983.

In order to provide an extra argument that the increase in the Quality of Life index from 1981 to 1983 was in fact due to the group of Yogic Flyers in Iowa, the numbers for the U.S. as a whole were compared to the numbers for Iowa. One source of light can illuminate an entire room (or an entire country), but the light will always shine brightest closest to the light source. Accordingly, a stronger improvement was predicted for Iowa than for the U.S. in general, a predicted that was confirmed by the numbers.Ref.Social Science Perspectives Journal, (2 (4), 127-146)

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D20-IncrPositivMidEastConfl-v1During the three-week period of the Taste of Utopia Assembly, compared to the three weeks before, there was a significant increase in positive events associated with the Middle East conflict in Lebanon, as principally seen in the rapid evolution of an agreement on a national security plan. In the three weeks after the Assembly the situation quickly deteriorated. Control data from the previous year showed that the specific time of year of the assembly was not associated with improved conditions in this conflict.Ref.Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers (Vol. 4, 1989, pp. 2730–2762)

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G7-Decr-Crime-in-Capital-D-v1During periods in which large groups of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme were established, crime totals decreased significantly in the Union Territory of Delhi (India) and in Metro Manila (Philippines).Ref.The Journal of Mind and Behavior  8: 67–104, 1987

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

G5-Decr-Violent-Crime_NatlViolent crime in Washington, DC decreased significantly when a large group of participants in the TM Sidhi Programme was established during an eight-week National Demonstration Project. As the size of the group increased, the reduction of violent crime also increased, reaching a 23% reduction by week 8.Ref.Social Indicators Research 47: 153–201, 1999

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied (kommer inom kort på svenska)

G3-Decr-Metro-Crime_MerseyMetropolitan Merseyside, England showed decreased crime when the number of group participants in the TM Sidhi Programme in an adjacent community reached the square root of one per cent of the metropolitan area.Ref.Psychology, Crime, and Law 2: 165–174, 1996

Study social effects TM

G1-Decr-Crime-Rate-in-Citi-v1Cities in which one per cent of the population were instructed in the Transcendental Meditation Programme showed decreased crime rate the following year in contrast to matched control cities.Ref.Journal of Crime and Justice 4: 25–45, 1981

“I call my method meditation, but it is, in fact, a technique of self-exploration; it enables a man to dive into the innermost reaches of his being, in which dwell the essence of life and the source of all wisdom, all creativity, all peace, and all happiness…The word meditation is not new, nor are the benefits of meditation new…But for centuries the technique of meditation of this kind has been forgotten. This is why man suffers, or seems to suffer.”

‎”Man’s life is meant to be a bridge of abundance between divine intelligence and the whole creation. Man’s life is to cultivate and give – cultivate the divine power, the divine intelligence, happiness and abundance, and give it out to all of creation.”

Social effects of Yogic Flying studied.

D22-Israel-QOL-with-controls-v1This paper reported a follow-up analysis of time series analysis findings previously published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution (1988). The study indicated that during periods in August and September 1983, a significantly large group of TM Sidhi experts in Yogic Flying in Israel produced a significant improvement on multiple indicators of quality of life in Israel, and reduced conflict in Lebanon. The present paper is a response to questions about possible alternative hypotheses in the form of other cultural, military, and political events in Israel and Lebanon during this period. An extensive reanalysis of the original data using time series analysis procedures found that the group practice of the TM and TM Sidhi program continued to be statistically significant in its positive effect on overall quality of life, controlling for all the other hypothesized events. This Maharishi Effect had a stronger influence on the quality of life index than any of the other events (religious holidays, pullout of the Israeli army from Lebanon, weekends, the vacation month of August, hot days (days over the median of maximum daily temperature) and the period following Prime Minister Begin’s resignation).Ref.Journal of Scientific Exploration 23: 193–166, 2009

Field Independence

E10-Incr-Field-IndepenIndividuals randomly assigned to learn Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Programme displayed a significant increase after three months, in comparison to controls, on measures of field independence, indicating broader comprehension with increasing ability to focus.Ref.Perceptual and Motor Skills 39: 1031–1034, 1974

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Moby’s ervaringen met Transcendente Meditatie

Study 15


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How can a simple meditation technique have such deep effects?

When you think about meditation, you usually think about a form of relaxation, something to bring peace, to get away. However historically, meditation had a very different purpose. On the one hand it was considered a way of finding yourself. According to the wise, “To Know Yourself” was the key to opening all doors to success. On the other hand meditation was seen as a way to contact “something higher”.

Transcendental Meditation is a rediscovery of a meditation technique that goes back thousands of years, and that brings you to the deepest silence within yourself, to pure being, where you discover that we are one with something higher, one with nature. We are normally unable to experience this reality in our daily life, as it is deeply hidden in our subconscious, but we can get there. The Transcendental Meditation technique is based on centuries’ old knowledge that holds that our mind naturally knows how to come “home”, and that the most efficient technique to achieve this is the most natural one.

To that extent, Transcendental Meditation has absolutely nothing to do with what is today considered “meditation”, the manipulation of the mind, usually through a form of concentration, to get to that state of deep inner silence. To the contrary. Maharishi, the founder of the Transcendental Meditation technique, always said that any form of concentration is a major misconception complicating meditation, and blocking the road to our inner nature. Real meditation is entirely effortless, natural, easy to learn for anyone, and offers instant results.

And the results are impressive. If it is true that Transcendental Meditation enables an experience of our higher self, an experience that had been lost for centuries, then it should have effects never seen before. That is exactly what people have discovered over the last 40 years. TM is not only the most scientifically studied meditation technique, but even one of the must studied phenomena in general. Over 350 studies of the highest quality demonstrate that not only does the technique work, but in many cases it works better than any other method ever researched (see * in menu), and that includes not only other meditation techniques, but also modern medicine. From high blood pressure to depression, from alcohol addictions to ADHD, plenty of conditions for which at best the symptoms can be suppressed with all kinds of medication, they improve or spontaneously disappear with the frequent practice of TM.

But that’s only the beginning. Also IQ, creativity, focus, memory, self-confidence and personal development show never before seen growth with TM, regardless of whether the practitioner is 15 or 65 years of age. People that rediscover themselves through this technique become happier, have more success, better relationships with family, friends and colleagues and work, and radiate something that apparently even has a positive influence on those around them.

Browse around and discover the many areas of life that improve with the experience that this simple technique brings. Discover the quality of the scientific research demonstrating many effects that were never seen before, in all areas of life. Read statements from doctors, Hollywood stars, or some of the 5 million people that have already learned this technique. And discover how it can change everything.

And perhaps you will learn something new about yourself. There are certain facts about life that have been kept secret long enough.